

I’m Kim and I started this blog to act like a houseplant journal as well as a place to share knowledge.

I also share tips on my instagram account. @plant.principle

From the blog

Importing Plants from Ecuagenera to the UK

As for many 2020 and 2021 saw our plant collection growing. For me this was only possible to grow in such a vast way by looking at alternative places apart from the UK market. There were a few reasons for that. Types of plants available Prices of the plants Brexit – making it impossible to…

Importing plants from the USA via Exotica Exportare

EDITED on 28th Feb 2022 to include other suppliers. EDITED on 18th Dec 2021 to include DHL related info. Not that it matters but my most liked picture in October was one of my two plants that I managed to import using Arthur and his new business Exotica Exportare. So I thought I’d share a…

Plant Journal – Amydrium Medium Green / Silver – Update May 2021

Last year I shared my experiences with Amydrium medium green and silver and I thought I’d give an update as I had some failures and some successes since then and also some propagation updates. If you haven’t seen the post you can find it here. Now I said I had successes and failures. Failures are…

Plant Journal – Anthurium Magnificum

Summary Anthuriums seem to be everywhere right now. At least in my plant feed. I resisted for so long but then this year I got my first Anthurium and it was an Anthurium Magnificum Silver. The Silver bit is referring to the area around the veins as this tends to have more silver contrast than…

Plant Care: rehabbing shipped and imported plants

In the last two months I have experimented a bit with importing plants. I have done this the easy way, where the company does all the paperwork and they have a broker in my country, so I do not have to extra paperwork, like you might if you imported directly from Indonesia or so. So…

Plant Journal – Plant collection and anxiety

I haven’t written here in a while. I felt like an imposter in a community with collectors who know so much more than me and have been collecting plant for so much longer. I have used the time to think about why I collect plants and evaluate my collection and my relationship with it. This…

Plant Care – root rot

Oh wow, we are a week into the new year and despite me having 2 weeks off, I haven’t actually done much writing. But the holiday period was a much needed break, despite the fact that the pandemic is still getting worse and Brexit being official. Can you tell that my mood is dampened by…

Plant Journal – Pilea peperomioides ‘White Splash’

Summary Pilea peperomioides is a popular plant. I have heard it be called chinese money plant, and its leaves are like big round coins. To me the plant doesn’t look like it should stand up, as there are so many leaves on long stems but it works and is fun to look at. It is…

Propagations – air layering

As I mentioned in my post about my propagations of Nov to Dec 2020 I have had some failed attempts with rooting node cuttings of my variegated monstera. The last one I was still trying to root, completely rotted away this weekend so I gave up on it, as I guess I had to. So…

Propagations – Experiments Nov-Dec 2020

I am awful at propagating. I hate cutting my plants. BUT I do love experimenting and seeing plants root from a leaf cutting or node is kinda magical. The whole idea and concept that but cutting you can make another plant from an original mother plant is actually fun. I do realise that not all…

Plant Care – Moss pole – 1 week later

So in one of my previous posts, I described how I made a basic moss pole and some of the benefits of having moss poles. What I didn’t think would happen is that within a week, I’d see some changes in some of the plants. This is why I love trying things to see if…

Plant Journal – Alocasia Reginula or Black Velvet

Summary I knew I liked this plant from pictures and I was intrigued by it. I did not think I would love it this much. It has big leaves, even when it is small, these are velvety, almost black when mature and the veining is silvery. So far it has also been a fast grower…

Plant Care – making a cheap moss pole

EDIT: I noticed that I used forest moss instead of sphagnum moss here. Oops! I should have read the label of the moss. I actually washed the moss in a cloth bag wondering why it was dirty. I still make many mistakes, even after several years of plant care. D’oh. I do recommend sphagnum moss…

No buy Winter? How to survive the winter as a plant addict

Let me start by saying that this is not a post about plant winter care and how to over winter your plants. I am more talking about not buying any more plants over the winter period, as they can get really bad shock in the winter, even with a heat pack enclosed. It is just…

Plant Care – 4 Assumptions I had when I started indoor gardening

In this post I’d like to share my personal assumptions, that I had about plants and caring for them. While I am someone that likes to learn and really understand something, I did not know there was much to understand about plants and their care when it came to indoor plants. Growing up we have…


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